Friday, December 14, 2007

Top 10 Paying Jobs

Top 10 Paying Jobs
By Chad Nech

Everyone wants something for nothing. The American Dream is still well and alive, and with a bit of schooling and a lot of determination anyone can find it. Don’t panic because you do not have an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, or even a PhD. What’s more, I am going to show you jobs that don’t even require a High School Diploma! Now don’t get me wrong, I am not telling you to drop out of High School or not go back to finish school because there are big bucks out there. What I am saying is that there are some jobs out there that could potentially better your current quality of living. And remember, if you have ambition, dedication, faith, and have a never give up attitude; you can be anything you want to. THAT is what the American Dream is all about.

Top 5 Paying Jobs (No High School Diploma Needed)

  1. Bailiffs --- $36,500.00
  2. Drafters --- $36,000.00
  3. Industrial Production Managers --- $36,000.00
  4. Construction Managers --- $33,500.00
  5. Electricians --- $32,000.00

Note: There have been many successful individuals who did not even finish high school. Does the name Bill Gates strike a bell? These jobs are potentially attainable through rather quick methods of getting employed. Who knows, you might find the cure for cancer or theorize a way to bring life to other planets.

Top 5 Paying Jobs (At least a G.E.D. or High School Diploma Needed)

  1. Computer Software Engineers --- $59,000.00
  2. Computer/Information Systems Managers --- $56,500.00
  3. Computer Programmers --- $55,000.00
  4. Network Systems & Data Communications Analysts --- $50,000.00
  5. Database, Network & Computer Systems Administrators --- $48,000.00

Note: Each of these lists contain jobs that usually require more experience on the job or in the field, and are not really focused on having a fancy piece of paper.

So remember, the American Dream is alive and well. It is us who have not taken hold of it. You can be successful at whatever you choose to put your mind to. The only requirement to being successful spiritually, and financially, is to never give up and always keep the faith.

I currently work for a Real Estate Auctioneer where I maintain their websites. I also have my own Web Design Business and have attended the University of Central Oklahoma and Northwestern Oklahoma State University. I plan to earn my bachelor degree in Computer Science. I also like to produce music from a small studio in my home. I have produced everything from symphonic movements to techno and rave all the way to indie rock. With what little spare time I do have I enjoy the occasional video game (usually sports) and have been known to play heroclix. I enjoy spending time with my wife and our miniature schnauzer named Peyton Elway. I love KU basketball and the Denver Broncos. I am a registered independent but have been labeled as conservative.

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